Ruc & Blaq Poet – Catch My Drift

Ruc the Jackal aka Mr. QB released an album titled I Am Queensbridge and I think he needs to make a follow up. It was more or less a compilation album in a way because it had a collection of all the best Queensbridge rappers appearing on it. Whenever QB gets together, despite some of the egos, they always put together something crispy.
There are a slew of great tracks on this album but one of the stand out tracks for me is the one with the legendary Blaq Poet called Catch My Drift. It is just a really high energy track which are my favorites because it gets you amped. Although some may say that gangsta rap is negative, I feel quite the contrary. It is the aggressiveness of the track that I feel is quite motivating in a positive way. It is all how you perceive it.
Check out this slammer with Ruc and Blaq Poet that is a certified classic. One of the hardest hip hop tracks ever made.